Meet Bruno Cioffi, Performance Media Campaign Manager

Amanda Ashley
Post by Amanda Ashley
June 10, 2024
Meet Bruno Cioffi, Performance Media Campaign Manager

We are delighted to introduce Bruno Cioffi.  He is a campaign manager on our Performance Media team!

Bruno has over five years of Digital Media experience across several channels, including Amazon, Google, Walmart, and Instacart. As a member of the BOLD team, he will help lead media strategy for several key clients. 

Bruno says he decided to join Bold Strategies because it seemed like a great opportunity and because he liked BOLD's approach to media. "The omnichannel approach, combining retail media, DTC, listing optimization, SEO, etc., adds much value for brands." 

Here's a bit more about Bruno in his own words...

What's the first thing you ever bought on What does that say about you?
A Kindle, I love to read!

What is that one song that's the soundtrack to your life? 
My favorite book is Foundation by Isaac Asimov, one of the best sci-fi ever.

Where would you go if you could hop on a plane without worrying about expenses?
I guess probably Greece, to run a marathon where it was created.

I'm happiest when I'm...
Spending some time with my dogs and family, running, reading, and watching soccer.

People would be surprised to know that...
I have a collection of soccer shirts from famous teams to local teams (more local than famous).

Learn more about Bruno or say hello!

Amanda Ashley
Post by Amanda Ashley
June 10, 2024
Marketing Director for BOLD